Tuesday, August 8, 2023

MS Excel command for you're life


Here are several reasons why you might want to use the command line to open Microsoft Excel. One reason is that you can add additional parameters to the command to do things like open Excel with a specific template or launch Excel in Safe Mode for troubleshooting

Another reason is that it can be faster to open Excel using the command line if you are already working in the Command Prompt or if you have created a script to automate certain tasks

  1. Open Excel: Double-click on the Excel icon on your desktop or search for "Excel" in the Start menu and click on it.

  2. New Workbook: Ctrl + N or click on the "File" tab, then select "New" and choose "Blank Workbook."

  3. Open Workbook: Ctrl + O or click on the "File" tab, then select "Open" and browse to the location of the workbook you want to open.

  4. Save Workbook: Ctrl + S or click on the "File" tab, then select "Save" or "Save As" to specify a new name or location for the workbook.

  5. Close Workbook: Ctrl + W or click on the "File" tab, then select "Close."

  6. Undo: Ctrl + Z to undo the last action.

  7. Redo: Ctrl + Y to redo the last action.

  8. Cut: Ctrl + X to cut selected cells, rows, or columns.

  9. Copy: Ctrl + C to copy selected cells, rows, or columns.

  10. Paste: Ctrl + V to paste copied or cut cells, rows, or columns.

  11. Format Cells: Ctrl + 1 or right-click on the selected cells and choose "Format Cells" to open the Format Cells dialog box.

  12. AutoSum: Alt + = to quickly calculate the sum of a column or row.

  13. Insert Row: Ctrl + Shift + + (plus sign) to insert a new row above the selected row.

  14. Delete Row: Ctrl + - (minus sign) to delete the selected row.

  15. Insert Column: Ctrl + Shift + + (plus sign) to insert a new column to the left of the selected column.

  16. Delete Column: Ctrl + - (minus sign) to delete the selected column.

  17. Sort: Click on the "Data" tab, then select "Sort" to open the Sort dialog box and sort data based on specific criteria.

  18. Filter: Click on the "Data" tab, then select "Filter" to enable filters on the selected range.

  19. Freeze Panes: Click on the "View" tab, then select "Freeze Panes" to freeze rows or columns to keep them visible while scrolling.

  20. Find: Ctrl + F to open the Find dialog box and search for specific text or values in the worksheet.

IFNA: Checks if a formula returns the #N/A error and allows you to specify an alternative value or action
  1. VLOOKUP: Searches for a value in the first column of a range and returns a corresponding value from another column in the same row.

  1. HLOOKUP: Similar to VLOOKUP, but searches horizontally across rows instead of vertically down columns.

  2. INDEX: Returns the value of a cell in a specified row and column within a range.

  3. MATCH: Returns the relative position of a specified value within a range.

  4. IF: Performs a logical test and returns one value if the test is true and another value if the test is false.

  5. SUMIF: Adds the values in a range that meet a specified condition.

  6. COUNTIF: Counts the number of cells in a range that meet a specified condition.

  7. CONCATENATE: Joins two or more text strings into one string.

  8. PROPER: Converts text to proper case (capitalizes the first letter of each word).

  9. LEFT: Returns a specified number of characters from the beginning of a text string.

  10. RIGHT: Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a text string.

  11. MID: Returns a specified number of characters from the middle of a text string.

  12. SUMIFS: Adds the values in a range that meet multiple specified conditions.

  13. COUNTIFS: Counts the number of cells in a range that meet multiple specified conditions.

  14. AVERAGE: Calculates the average of a range of cells.

  15. MAX: Returns the largest value in a range of cells.

  16. MIN: Returns the smallest value in a range of cells.

  17. ROUND: Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.

  18. IFERROR: Checks if a formula returns an error and allows you to specify an alternative value or action.

  19. PIVOT TABLE: Creates a summary table from a large dataset, allowing you to analyze and summarize data.

  20. SUMPRODUCT: Calculates the sum of the products of corresponding values in multiple arrays or ranges.

  21. TRANSPOSE: Transposes the rows and columns of a range or an array.

  22. CONCATENATEX: Concatenates values from a column into a single text string, using a specified delimiter.

  23. IFERROR: Checks if a formula returns an error and allows you to specify an alternative value or action.

  24. NETWORKDAYS: Calculates the number of working days between two dates, excluding weekends and specified holidays.

  25. INDIRECT: Returns the reference specified by a text string, which can be used to create dynamic cell references.

  26. TEXT: Converts a value to text with a specified format.

  27. SUBSTITUTE: Replaces specific text in a text string with new text.

  28. RAND: Generates a random number between 0 and 1.

  29. RANK: Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers.

  30. AVERAGEIF: Calculates the average of a range that meets a specified condition.

  31. COUNTBLANK: Counts the number of empty cells in a range.

  32. OFFSET: Returns a reference to a range that is offset from a specified reference.

  33. ROUNDUP: Rounds a number up to a specified number of decimal places.

  34. ROUNDDOWN: Rounds a number down to a specified number of decimal places.

  35. ISBLANK: Checks if a cell is empty and returns TRUE or FALSE.

  36. LEN: Returns the number of characters in a text string.

  37. NOW: Returns the current date and time.

  38. EOMONTH: Returns the last day of the month, a specified number of months before or after a given date.

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